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How to Get the Most Out of Your Workout Supplements

Some rules for achieving your goals with supplements:

1. Supplements are not magic pills. No Training = No Results.

2. For weight-trainers and bodybuilders, if you want to put on extra muscle and strength you need to be weight-training a minimum of 3 times per week. Each training session needs to last around 45-60 mins and make sure your that your traning sessions are intense and after you have warmed up, each set goes to failure.

3. Ensure that you stick to compound movements such as squats, bench press, deadlifts etc and not unproductive isolation exercises such as triceps kickbacks etc.

4. Protein powder is essential whatever sport you are involved in. Protein is the building blocks of muscle. If you are a bodybuilder, insufficient protein levels will wreck your gains or cause you to have none at all.

5. Ensure your meals are spaced throughout the day every 3 hours if possible. Don't forget a meal can simply be a sandwich or protein drink. This will speed up your metabolism, create a positive nitrogen balance and ensure your body developes into a powerful physique with little bodyfat.

6. You need a minimum of 7-8 hours sleep every night, not a week! Quality sleep triggers growth hormone release and maintains correct testosterone function, which will result in far better training and work.

7. Drinking alcohol or taking drugs lowers testosterone for 48-72 hours and increases estrogen levels. If you want results find the will power to stop and not the excuses to continue. Alcohol is a useless nutrient that is easily stored as fat. If you must drink stick to 1-2 glasses of wine a week as red wine contains over 300 enymes, that have been shown in small quantities to be beneficial to your heart and immune system.

8. Injury is the evil of all sports people. It can set your training back months, ruining motivation and drive. Always warm-up thoroughly and stretch before and after. Doing "ego" train in the gym trying to impress your friends or boosting your own ego with silly antics will often result in injury.

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