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Improving Your Body Shape

"A Body Beautiful"

Many people believe there must be a secret to obtaining the "body beautiful". The truth being there are no secrets. You can change the way you look and feel by exercising, eating well and focusing on the progress these changes are making in your life. But there are a few myths surrounding fitness.

"Changing a Body"

Progressing from a skinny or flabby frame to one of a firm, taut muscles is a gradual, microscopic one, rooted deep within the muscle fibre's. If you were to take a break and sit on your bottom the loss would occur just as gradually as the gains, even slower. The bonus being, once you have worked your body to a certain point of fitness, getting back to that level takes less effort that it did to achieve the original goal.

"Fun & Enjoyment"

One of the biggest secrets about making changes in your life regarding fitness is how much fun it actually is. How about the pleasures of putting your body through its paces for an hour or so a few times a week and being able to do things you never thought it could do, seeing and feeling it firm up and strengthen. What's so bad about eating a juicy peach or bunch of bananas instead of a box of chocolates or a packet of crisps.

"Endorsed Products"

We have all seen the machines for "abdominators" expensive gym machines adapted for home use, all endorsed by smiling celebrities. Well, to an extent and for some people (those with a fitness level of zero), yes they can, But they require commitment like any other lifestyle change. It's not the manufacturer's fault if you get bored with your ab burner and stop using it.


Guess what? Everyone has limitations. But every man can improve his cardiovascular condition, build muscle, change his body and learn a sport he can enjoy.

"Feeling Good"

In a world with so many types of men of all shapes, sizes and colours each with his own appeal. As we enter another year, it's not just the look of a toned, fit body that's so appealing, it is the way that level of health makes you feel.

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