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Introduction to Bodybuilding Supplements

Athletes are always searching for that magic ingredient that will give them the competitive edge, and help them achieve their best. The most effective way to develop your natural sports ability and achieve your fitness goals is through efficient training combined with optimal nutrition.

However, to get the very best out of your training programme it may be worth considering nutritional supplements, including pills, powders, drinks and bars. Such supplements are classed as ergogenic aids meaning substances which increase work.

The purpose of these aids is to enhance performance, specifically it is claimed that they can increase muscle tissue, increase endurance. promote fat burning and improve strength. Surveys reveal that most professional athletes believe ergogenics are an essential component for sports success. The British Olympic Medical Committee estimates that 3/4 of Olympic athletes are using some form of performance enhancing agent.


They are substances that quench free radicals; they include enzymes, vitamins and minerals.

The benefits are they help reduce the symptoms and risks associated with high levels of free radicals generally during exercise, protect against ageing related diseases, slow down the effects of ageing.

How much is uncertain, but levels around 15-25mg betacarotene, up to 2000mg vitamin C, 250-500mg vitamin E and 50-100mg selenium are advised by leading scientists.

Branched Chain Amino Acids (BCAA)

They are 3 IAA's that have a branched molecular configuration: valine, leucine and isoleucine.

The benefits may decrease protein breakdown during intense exercise but may not offer any advantage over carbohydrates supplementation.

They would benefit athletes on a fat-loss programme who are consuming inadequate carbohydrate.

4g taken during and after exercise.


It is a stimulant.

The benefits are that it increases alertness, concentration and endurance.

It would benefit athletes in both high intensity short term activities and endurance activities. Not recommended to athletes in drug tested sports.

Between 210-1-5-mg will have an ergogenic effect but varies between individuals.


They are made naturally from 3 amino acids in the body, stored mostly as phosphocreatine in muscles and generate energy during high-intensity activity.

The benefits prolongs maximal power output, speeds recovery between high-intensity 'sets' increases lean and total body mass, buffers build-up of lactic acid in muscles.

It would benefit athletes involved in high-intensity and anaerobic-based sports, interval training and possibly aerobic aports that include some weight training.

A loading dose of 20g ( 4x5g ) per day for 5 days followed by 2g a day maintenance. Reload after 8-12 weeks.


It is an adrenal steroid hormone

It has no proven benefits but theoretically it increases testosterone levels and may reduce body fat.

Who it would benefit is hard as there is insufficient evidence to recommend its use to anyone. Defiantly should not taken by anyone in drug tested sports.

50-100mg have been used in various studies.


They are dispensable amino acid, found in muscle cells the major fuel of the immune system.

The benefits are they help prevent muscle breakdown and suppresses exercise induced immune depression.

It would benefit any athlete during periods of intense training or immediately after prolonged intense exercise.

100mg/kg body weight during 2 hour post exercise period.


It is a metabolite of the amino acid, leucine.

The benefits are it reduces muscle damage, repairs and builds muscle after exercise, increases muscle strength and reduces body fat.

It would benefit strength and power athletes, ones wishing to gain lean mass, possibly serious endurance ones.

Approx. 3g daily.

Meal Replacement Products (MRP's)

They are multinutrient supplements designed to provide near-perfect balance of nutrients and possibly other ergogenic aids in a drink.

The benefits ate they take the guess work out of meal planning, highly convenient, a good way of combining nutrients and supplements. Best used as snacks rather than meal substitutes.

They would benefit any athletes with high nutritional needs and ones with a busy schedule.

One or more servings a day, just enough to cover any nutritional needs or make up any shortfall in your diet.

Protein Shakes & Bars

They are powders that mix with milk or water to make a shake or protein bars. Most popular brands are based on whey protein.

The benefits are higher BV values than food sources, whey proteins may stimulate immune system, high glutamine content spares muscle and prevents immune suppression during heavy training.

They would benefit more to strength and power athletes, athletes on below maintenance calorie intakes and athletes undergoing very heavy training.

1 or more servings daily, just enough to make up any shortfall in your diet.

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