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Introduction to Bodybuilding

Bodybuilding is a very basic pursuit. It is not creating a body, but rather about taking the body you have and building it to a point far beyond what it was when you started.

As Arnold Schwarzenegger said " If you exercise faithfully with a strict adherence to form, you should notice an increase in strength and co-ordination within a very short time. Your joint mobility and flexibility will be better. You'll expend less energy in performing both physical and mental tasks. You'll have better posture, your ability to relax and reduce stress and tension will be heightened".

Bodybuilding is perhaps the most drastic of all sports, while most sports and sporting activities teach a person how to perform better some functions, bodybuilding actually changes the physique in an astonishing manner. As an art form, bodybuilding is stunning, instead of working on an inert object, the body itself becomes the object. It it impressive to shape a piece of art but it is twice as impressive when the piece of art is your physique.

Bodybuilding can do wonders for your physique, if you want to look really hot you do not need a facelift. You need to take up bodybuilding as it is the ultimate physique shaping and conditioning tool.

Bodybuilding is a progressive form of training, you don't have to start off at an extremely rapid rate and you don't necessarily have to be a superstar either. In fact, it is often the people who start training with an average or below par body who make the most progress.

Consistency is the great equalizer in many sports and this is especially true for bodybuilding. A consistent training approach is how you make noticeable progress. The best manner in which to train the physique is to pace yourself, you don't have to and cant be a superhot body is 2 weeks, it does take time.

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